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Living with Fibromyalgia

When pain is everywhere – muscles, soft tissue, joints and soul. When sleep doesn’t come easy, when legs remain restless. When anxiety and fatigue become steady companions, and depression is never that far away. Fibromyalgia patients often have a long road of suffering before a diagnosis is made. Fibromyalgia is complex, symptoms vary by person, often by day and treatments remain challenging.

And so it is all the more important to tailor and personlise support through a wholistic approch that addresses the whole person – in body, psyche and soul. Shiatsu is body therapy that does just that, it supports and holds you physically and emotionally, calms your nervous system, strenghens the immune system. With Shiatsu I meet you whereever you are – with symptoms, struggles and your specific needs.

Having trained in Shiatsu for Fibromyalgia specifically an initial consultation allows us to explore together what is helpful. Gentle fascia releases often help, holding, breathing, acknowledging whats there … and in between little checkins to negotiate touch and release.

“Cindy is a wonderful therapist, knowledgeable and kind, who will make you feel welcome and safe the minute you enter her therapy room. She has a great style of working intuitively with the body and an understanding of what needs to be done to make you feel better. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
– Meike

I suport you with individually tailored breathing and movement practices to take home. These are often helpful in prolonging the benefits of Shiatsu in between treatments. Studies recommend regular Shiatsu sessions as they provide most support in the long term and it is indeed what I see in practice. We’ll go through number and frequency in our initial conversation but to give you a guideline: most of my Fibromyalgia clients come for a few 3-6 weekly sessions and continue on a monthly basis thereafter to help maintain a better quality of life.

This controlled pilot study shows that Shiatsu supports even those with touch sensitivity. Study participants confirmed Shiatsu improves pain intensity, pressure pain threshold, sleep quality, and has a positive impact on the overall health of fibromyalgia patients.

Shiatsu is a complementary body therapy that provides support. It does not replace medical treatment.

For questions and more information please get in touch.

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